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Friday 2 August 2013

Review Filem : Pacific Rim

Beberapa minggu sudah aku berkesempatan tgk citer yg tgh hot kat wayang skrg ni, seperti tajuk di atas. ALone..again in KLCC, pada bulan pose ni. Best giler tgk wyg sbb tak ramai org, distraction pun kurang. Budak2 pun kurang. Seriously, sometimes aku noticed byk parents yg ignorance ttg hal ni. Kat wyg bising giler dgn suara baby menangis, budak2 ni menjerit tak tentu psl, nak itu nak ini, aku nak rasa pang je skali suh diam. Mau tak geram, apa ingat korang je yg byr tiket ni/ Sama2 tgk sama2 behave la. Same goes tu adult, dlm wayang tu kalo boleh silentkan la phone anda yg memahal sumer tu hah..sket2 bunyi sms, bunyi lagu yg entah apa2 ..kuat plak tu. Tak ada kesedaran sivik sungguh tgk wyg. Nak lagi best, letak kaki kat tempat duduk org barisan hadapan, Pergh, ni mmg hangin la..kalau kaki tu bau lavender xpe la gak ni bau mcm longkang!. Biadap sungguh!

Tgk, membebel aku dah ha. Siap kuar tajuk lagi. Heh.

Anyway, this story is damn awesome!!. Memandangkan aku maleh nk tulis panjng2, maka aku copy paste shj plot citer ni dari wikipedia, sila baca kalau sudi, ;p

In 2013, human cities come under attack by the Kaijus: colossal extradimensional beasts who rise from an interdimensional portal on the floor of the Pacific Ocean. To combat them, the nations of the Pacific Rim build the Jaegers: equally colossal humanoid war machines, each manned by two pilots whose brains are linked to share the overwhelming mental load of piloting the sophisticated machines. Though the Jaegers are effective, the Kaiju attacks grow more frequent and powerful. By 2025, the Pacific Rim governments have discontinued the Jaeger project and resort to building massive coastal walls to protect humanity from the Kaijus. The four remaining Jaegers are redeployed to Hong Kong to defend the unfortified coast until the wall is completed. Stacker Pentecost (Elba), commander of the Jaeger forces, devises a plan to end the war by using a nuclear weapon to destroy the portal. Pentecost approaches retired pilot Raleigh Becket (Hunnam) and convinces him to return and pilot Gipsy Danger, the Jaeger he and his brother Yancy once piloted. During a mission off the coast of Alaska, Yancy was killed by a Kaiju while connected to his brother, traumatizing Raleigh. Arriving at Hong Kong, Raleigh is paired with potential co-pilots to find one with a strong connection, as the stronger the connection, the better their performance in battle. Sensing a strong connection, Raleigh demands to be partnered with Mako Mori (Kikuchi), the director of the Jaeger refurbishment project. Pentecost opposes, as Mako is his adopted daughter, but he eventually relents. The duo's initial test run nearly ends in disaster when Mako becomes engrossed in a childhood memory of the Kaiju attack that orphaned her; she inadvertently activates and almost discharges Gipsy Danger's weapons while in the hangar. Shortly thereafter, the remaining Jaegers are tasked with fending off a double Kaiju attack in Hong Kong. The defense goes

Gipsy Danger. Meanwhile, Newton Geiszler (Day)—a scientist studying the Kaijus—assembles a machine allowing him to establish a mental link with a Kaiju brain fragment. The experience nearly kills him, but he discovers the Kaijus are not wild beasts, but engineered weapons fighting at the behest of a race of alien conquerors. With Pentecost's approval, he seeks out Hannibal Chau (Perlman), a major figure in the trafficking of Kaiju parts, in an attempt to procure an intact Kaiju brain to repeat the experiment. Chau deduces that the Kaijus are searching Hong Kong for Geiszler, because his experiment has attracted their attention, as the mental link is two-way and the Kaijus possess a hive mind. After Gipsy Danger kills both Kaijus, Chau and his team move in to harvest parts. Geiszler realizes one of the Kaijus is pregnant. The newborn bursts from its mother and swallows Chau before dying. Geiszler and his partner Hermann Gottlieb (Gorman) merge with the newborn Kaiju's intact brain and learn the portal will only open for a Kaiju, which is why all previous attempts to destroy it have failed. The two remaining Jaegers are sent to execute Pentecost's plan to destroy the portal with a nuclear weapon. Pentecost co-pilots the Jaeger carrying the warhead, but they are forced to detonate early, sacrificing themselves to destroy the powerful Kaijus guarding the portal. Raleigh and Mako seize the final Kaiju with Gipsy Danger and use it to enter the portal. Running out of oxygen, Raleigh ejects Mako, initiates the nuclear reactor's overload sequence, then ejects himself. Gipsy Danger's nuclear core detonates, laying waste to the alien conquerors and destroying the portal. Mako and Raleigh's escape pods surface safely in the Pacific, and the duo embrace as rescue helicopters arrive.

So, habis baca dah? Overall, citer ni mmg membuatkan aku terpaku kat wyg, storyline yg tak berbelit2, fast paced dan aksi lawan yg mmg best dan real,is more than enough to fill my cravings for a good movie for a ticket which we paid.Yela, ticket wyg dahla mahal, kalau movie mcm lahanat baik tak yah tgk. Membazir duit jer. Oops..bulan pose, sabar..sabar...

 Citer ni ada persamaan ala2 Gundam, Kalau sapa kaki anime tau la apa yg aku maksudkan psl Gundam ni. Especially part Gipsy Danger kena heret sampai outerspace, pastu heroin citer ni, Mako, aktifkan pedang then potong sayap Kaiju tu. Pergh, yg tu mmg terbaik. Tak sangka leh tgk real. Scene ni x silap aku ada dlm salah satu siri Gundam.Probably, Gundam Wing.

The actors are totally well casted, except for the heroin, mcm mana nk ckp ek, impak utk heroin tu xde sgt la, tp aku suka character Mako ni, sbb dia x mcm heroin citer omputih yg biasa kita tgk, pakai seksi meksi, suka tunjuk bra,boobs, pakai suar pendek x cukup kain apa sumer, kish mamat tu, kish mamat ni, decent jer heroin ni. Suka aku tgk.Orang kata apa, sedap mata memandang. Sweet. ;)

So, here goes my rating 4/5. Cool.

p/s: sumber gambar dari google.


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